The most complete portfolio of biorational products for biocontrol, biostimulation and biofertilizing in agriculture.

GreenCorp Group has a global and innovative vision which represents in its brand “green essence” of the plants kingdom.

Within the group we work under the focus of sustainable crop production and taking advantage of plants on an armonic environment with men and nature.

Our portfolio is based on three great pilars of technological experience for molecule exploration, biological raw materials and compounds for the develop of innovative and functional products.

Knowledge and experience of our multidisciplinary team and scientifical and technological colaboration, on the biotech, microbiology, agronomical and phytochemical areas to biocontrol, biostimulation and biofertilization of crops and plants. Our extense and explored microbial bank and the access to thousands of strains with product development potencial for biocontrol, biofertilization and biostimulation.

Our vast bank of plant extracts coming from hundreds of species, plant organs from semidesertic, temperate tropical and subtropical areas.
